When Oestrogen is to Blame..

We live in a society that literally has oestrogen in our air and our environment. It is in found in plastics that we use in every day life, right through to being in the byproducts of the wheat and sugar industry.
In 2018, there was an interesting study on alligators in the Florida everglades.
Over the last several years there has being increasing concerns at the slow and steady decline in births of the alligator population.
Researchers looking at these alligators discovered that male alligators had unusually high levels of oestrogen and low testosterone whilst females had abnormally high levels of oestrogen. These results were the key drivers of the infertility anomalies that they observed.
Now the reason I share this study with you is because it’s not just puberty, pregnancy, breast feeding, peri-menopause, or menopause that cause an elevation in oestrogen, there’s often environmental and food factors that cause excess oestrogen also. (We will be discussing more of these concerns in future posts).
Our bodies have a chemical reaction to what we eat and what we breathe. We also more than ever have problems detoxifying the chemicals our bodies absorbing.
It’s one of the key reasons many everyday Australians struggle with hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance is often one of the key drivers for weight gain, or an inability to shift weight, despite a healthy diet and exercise.
Now, the reason hormone imbalance, specifically oestrogen, is important to pay attention to here, is that before the 1920s, the average age of a young woman getting her period was 14 years old.
Today, the average age of a girls first menstruation is 12.8 years old.
According to John’s Hopkins University, the key drivers to early onset menstruation in young women is obesity.
Most people don’t realise that hormonal imbalance is a key driver to obesity today. Processed foods, gluten, and sugar, are also key drivers of excess oestrogen.
We find that nearly 67% of our patients have some kind of hormone imbalance, including excess oestrogen.
Much of the imbalance can be traced to mum and actually has a strong genetic component stemmed from mum’s gut microbiome.
There are certain bacteria’s, when in excess in the body, can affect how you breakdown and store foods causing the body to gain weight, or, produce too much oestrogen.
We deal with hormone imbalance every day.
It’s about ridding the bacteria overgrowth, and replenishing the healthy bacteria in the microbiome, while gently bringing your hormones into balance.
Many of our patients who struggle with weight, breast tenderness, muscle aches or joint pain, may be suffering from excess oestrogen.
I find the hormone and gut connection to be fascinating and I hope you found this helpful too ????
If you think you, or, someone you love is suffering from hormonal imbalance including excess oestrogen, we’d love to help!
Simply share or book in a Free Introductory Consultation with us to see how we can help you. You can book in here:
Look forward to connecting with you again soon.
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