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Do you wonder if you have food intolerances?

1 September 2017

Food Intolerance

Many clients over the past 12 months have had the relief of finding out what foods are not agreeing with them. At the clinic we have an accurate pathology test “Food Detective” that will test you against 59 of the most common foods to see if your body is reacting. Just a prick of the finger will give you valuable insight, with 98 – 100% accuracy in assessing the IgG part of the immune system. It is this part of your immune system that drives many of the food intolerances you may suffer discomfort from and this test can clarify which foods may be upsetting your body. Symptoms like sinus, hay fever, digestive disturbances and skin conditions may well be caused by these food intolerances.

Call the clinic today to arrange an appointment, to discuss with our Naturopaths whether the Food Detective Food Intolerance Test is the right test for your health concern.

Read more about the Food Detective Intolerance Test >>

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