Staying well over the summer break

It is natural when enjoying the company of family and friends during the festive season to overindulge in the wonderful treats and drinks available.
The downside is that it can leave us feeling bloated, lethargic and even a few kilo’s may suddenly appear!
We don’t want to stop you from celebrating this festive season, but we have a few tips that can help you enjoy this festive season even more.

Don’t overdo the food
Remember that fatty, sugary and salty foods put more pressure on your liver and digestion. Instead of fried or richer foods, try looking towards salad and vegetables that are not too laden with creamy or oily dressings.
Having lighter meals will help you cope better with the various social gatherings over the Christmas and New Year period.
Reduce processed treats
Alternatives to processed treats may include some soy crisps, nuts, hummus with rice crackers, guacamole with carrot or celery sticks and summer fruits. You can really make a nice spread for people that is nutritious and healthy.
Keep tabs on your alcohol consumption
It is a relaxing time to enjoy drinks with friends and family, but be mindful of overindulging, especially on warmer days. Have a glass of water or coconut water between each drink to keep you more hydrated and reduce the side effects of alcohol consumption.
You may also consider looking at the great range of mocktails available with lemon, lime juice and soda water. They are fun and fresh and will be a hit at any gathering. Try having some alcohol free days to give your body a chance to recover.

It is amazing what a difference keeping up your exercise can make to your digestion. When we move, our digestive system gets a workout too. Exercise will really make a difference to that blocked, bloated feeling and overall bowel function.
Just 20-30 minutes most days is enough to make a noticeable change! We also drink more water when exercising and this is especially important on warmer days.
Manage stress associated with expectations of family and friends
Talk honestly to family members and friends about how you’d like to spend your time over the holiday season. Where possible aim to make decisions together. Remember that others may have extra demands on them as well. Above all, be prepared to thoroughly discuss the festive choices well in advance.
What happens if you do over indulge?
It happens, we know it is Christmas and a festive time after all. If you have had too much to drink, may we suggest that you have a big glass of fresh water before bed and take one of the activated B supplements such as Bio Tress for the following few days.
We will be providing detox programs in the New Year so don’t hesitate to book in to the clinic from the 7th January 2020 and we will get you back to feeling fabulous!
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