Hysterectomies, Tubal ligation (tubes tied), and Peri-Menopause
Let me ask you a few important questions as it pertains to your hormone health…
- Did your mum or grandmother have a hysterectomy?
- What was your mum’s menstrual cycles like before she had menopause?
- Do you know what your mum’s peri-menopausal journey was like?
- Have you had your tubes tied?
- Have you had a hysterectomy?
- Has it been recommended to you?
If you are born before 1985, keep reading and you’ll understand why…
I remember talking to my mum years ago, and she was so pleased that I was asking her questions. It was like she’d been waiting all her life to answer these questions for me.
She said that she can remember speaking with her mother, who lived through the war, and she wouldn’t dare say a word about what was “wrong” with her or any of her friends or family.
I think this culture has started to chip away now, but peri-menopause and hormonal changes in women still seem to get pushed to the side or we silence our queries because it’s not “appropriate” to talk about periods and bleeding.
The reason I’m asking you about hysterectomies today is because there are certain changes in women who have had these procedures, for instance, that very few people realise…
If it’s been suggested, or if your mum or grandmother had an early hysterectomy, it helps you understand how to start supporting your body today.
It can even be a foreshadow of current symptoms you are experiencing, telling you that a similar hormonal transition is sparking within you that lets you know that you have a history or a particular kind of hormone challenge or a particular type of support you may need.
You see, when we turn 38-40 years old, it’s common for our oestrogen to rise, sometimes very high at the same time our progesterone naturally starts dropping.
From 38 to 55, you will experience what’s called “anovulatory” cycles.
Where you have a period, but you don’t actually ovulate, which means that you get all of the oestrogen, but none of the progesterone…
This is often one of the “signs” of progesterone dropping, yet oestrogen can still be high. It typically shows up as:
- hormonal migraines
- headaches
- constipation
- hot flushes
- sleep challenges
- mood changes, like anxiety, irritability or depression
- weight gain
As the progesterone drops, if you are prone to high blood sugar levels or you have a sensitive pancreas, it’s common for women to have insulin resistance.
If you have a history of thyroid disorders in the family, it’s quite common for women to experience an increase in thyroid-related symptoms. This is also common in women who don’t have a family history.
For instance, women who’s mums have a history or Graves or Hashimoto’s may start to experience significant changes in energy and/or heart palpitations, as well as a challenge with weight loss.
If you have a history of bad periods, endometriosis, or PCOS, it’s even more common for women to have what we call a “Resurgence”. This is where your hormonal sensitivities are exaggerated by the drop in progesterone, usually because your oestrogen and/or progesterone levels weren’t at optimal levels prior to your body’s current hormonal changes.
We find that many women, in their 40s, need to hit the hormonal reset button. We do a rebalance and boost your body’s nutrients to support your body as it acclimatises to the hormonal changes your peri-menopausal cycles are causing.
We often find that this reset is largely needed because your body may not have fully recovered post-baby or babies. Also your genetic sensitivities need to be addressed to best support the current hormonal changes.
It also allows you to know how to navigate your body as the year’s progress.
Now, on the flip side, if you are in your late 40s or 50s, it’s really common that you are or have experienced the second peri-menopause or menopause changes. These symptoms can include increased anxiety, crawling or burning skin, brain fog and hot flushes and/or night sweats. Women often say that they haven’t felt right since that happened.
You may have the aches and pains. Or have several kilos that aren’t shifting regardless of how little you eat, or, how much exercise you do.
We spoke with a lovely woman the other day that was practically starving herself and putting on weight! Not to mention how achy and tired she was. She really was ready to throw in the towel!
The doctors just kept telling her to eat less kilojoules and exercise more. It got to the point where her husband rocked up to the doctor’s office to give him a talking to.
This later-stage peri-menopause and menopausal phase is often when oestrodiol has now started to drop, so supporting natural oestrone function is really important.
You see, in our younger years, and during the early phases of peri-menopause, your body is getting it’s main oestrogen source from oestradiol.
Once we get into menopause, our body gets its main oestrogen from oestrone, which comes from our cells, rather than our menstrual cycles.
So there is a shift in how the body sources oestrogen AND there is less oestrogen in the body. Women’s oestrogen levels can drop all the way to 100.
Hopefully you can get a better understanding of why we call this “The Second Puberty”. It’s quite a big shift for women. Not to mention, if your hormones are imbalanced or you come with a sensitivity from mum or a pre-existing condition, this time from 38 to 55 can make you feel like you’re a different person, not just physically, but mentally as well.
We work with nutrient and herbal support to balance the body to alleviate these concerning symptoms and discomfort. We also balance the other body systems that are struggling during these changes. We have access to accurate and informative testing to truly get to the bottom of your hormonal imbalances.
If you aren’t feeling quite yourself, or, if you just talk to mum and realise that a few things are starting to pop up for you that she experienced and you want to sort yourself out now, please organise a Free Introductory Consultation.
We’ll help you navigate what may be going on for you, and walk you through a timeline and protocol, based on your needs.
You can organise that consultation here (it’s over the phone): https://ssnc.com.au/appointments/
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